Thursday, July 17, 2008

It’s All in Our Mind

Focusing the mind on the positive

We all go through some tough times in life, that’s just life; it can’t always be a bed of roses. However life is what you make it and by staying positive through the bad times as well as the good can make all the difference and gets you through the tough times with a smile.

But the big question is “how do you stay positive when things get tough?” Staying upbeat at times like this is the last thing on your mind, but it should be the first, you need to think positively now more than ever. The key to staying positive is to take your mind off your problems and worries and re-energizing your mind, this is especially true when you are having a bad day and you feel sorry for yourself and want to sit down and cry.

Here are some excellent tips for keeping a positive outlook in life no matter what’s going around you.

• If you find yourself around those who are negative then break free from them, negativity has a way of passing from person to person and they will drag you down with them.

• Don’t sit in front of the TV for hours at a time, the news is depressing, cop shops feature violence and death and negativity in some form is found on almost every show. If you do watch TV go for the more positive program such as a nature documentary showing the wonderful world in all its glory or a comedy.

• Spend as much time as you can with your family and loved ones, do something together which you all enjoy and aim to have a family night at least once a week where you can spend quality time together.

• In times when you are feeling particularly low and negativity starts to creep in, listen to a motivational CD or repeat positive affirmations to yourself to bring back a positive attitude.

• Take time out each day to just do something that you enjoy doing that doesn’t require you to make choices or decisions, something which relaxes you to the fullest.

• Try doing something that you wouldn’t normally do, something that is totally unlike you and out of character, take up a new hobby or sport that you would never have dreamed of doing.

• Get some exercise, this could be something as simply taking a walk in the fresh air and is totally free or go to the gym or taking part in activities such as yoga.

• Set yourself goals in order to get ahead and when you accomplish a goal give yourself a small reward for doing so

• Learn techniques that allow you to bring your attention and focus back to the task on hand quickly.

• Use affirmations throughout the day to instill self-confidence and positive thoughts and feelings.

• Always look for the best in bad situations, while things might not be what we expect if you look hard enough you may find they are not as bad as they seem to be.

• Remember that the situation won’t last forever, this is only a temporary stage you are going through and it will get better.
2007-2008 Timothy Watson
Build your self-confidence!
Self Confidence!


Anonymous said...

for some melancholic people like me sometimes hard to keep the positive mind when facing the problems. But I totally agree with you, we must stay positive no matter what.

thanks for the tips.

romantic love for everyone!

Timothy Watson said...

Thank you pepen2710. I am going through a very difficult time right now and I find it hard to keep thinking positively.