Thursday, July 3, 2008

Observation in Self-Insight and Professional Growth

Observational learning

Observational learning has proven to be one of the most sufficient strategic techniques that will help anyone improve their skills and advance toward professional growth. To improve this skill however, you must work through the self-concept stage, theorization, and the perspective training. According to experts, the observational learner often develops skills quicker than those that study from textbooks.

It is a proven fact that what you see is more accurate than most of what you hear. Thus, when one uses observational learning it often makes it difficult to refute any questions. Still, some all people see things differently, so this affects one’s observational learning abilities. You can change this pattern however. All it takes is your willingness to continue learning. When you learn and gather facts and evidence, it makes it easier to develop an honest platform, which is one quality of a professional.

Learning is a gift. This is something we need to continue doing all through our life; otherwise, the brain becomes inactive and starts to degenerate faster. By reading, writing and doing some puzzles you can increase your brain’s ability to retain information, as well as improve your chance of living longer.

Observational learning is improved when you change the way you feel about life, and when you find facts to reform your misconceptions. Thus, the misconstruction of our understanding must be reformed in order to correct any way of misgiving behaviors and thinking patterns. You can use information online, go to the library, or better yet, enroll in college to retrain your mind. This will help you build on professional growth. Your image of you will seem better, as your skills, way of thinking, behaviors, etc all improve.

You can read books, articles, magazines or other materials to find more information on observational learning. The tactic has proven useful for many over the years. Even people with psychiatric disorders have gone a long way by using this natural gift. Visiting the Library or the Internet will put you in connection with several of the latest publications and articles listed online. Recently, the new book written on professional growth is available as well. You will find loads of information via the Internet, so start your search today. The sooner you get started, the quicker you will get going on professional growth.

Pay attention when you watch someone and observe your surroundings. Reflect on what you learn. This is one of the ways you can build your observational skills. Making observational learning a ritual will improve your skills. However, you should also participate in continuous learning so that you clear up any misconceptions that developed throughout your lifetime of learning.

Those that continue learning often live with a free mind. Their mind is not cluttered and rarely does anything get in the way of their professional growth. Many experts in psychology and in science often use observational learning to study human behaviors. They have learned much by using these applications in the field of scientific studies.

Each day if you practice observing and looking inward as well, followed by examining what you learn you can improve your skills: once you develop skills then you can take the next step in working toward professional growth. Use some of the natural practices, such as meditation to advance. This is one of the best practices that many people have used to help them improve all their skills, including focus, observation, and so on. You can also develop a higher plane of consciousness through this practice. Make it a habit and practice everyday. This will ensure you get on the road to professional development. Start building your confidence.
2007-2008 Timothy Watson

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