Sunday, August 10, 2008

Career Development: Happy With Your Job?

Career development, are you really happy in your current position?

When it comes to your job, are you really happy with your current position? There are a lot of reasons why someone will stay with the job they have. Maybe you have bills to pay and the pay is great, or maybe you get some personal gain from it. Either way there is a reason, however, are you happy with your current job? Many people will say no, but you will then need to consider what you can do to change your unhappiness around.

For those who do not know if they are really happy with their current position, you can’t think about money. If you think you are happy because of your paycheck and you are unable to come up with any other answer, you’ll need to consider reconsidering your job. Money can never be a reason why you are happy. You need to have a job that not only challenges you, but also a job that allows you to challenge the company. You need to benefit that company and really feel like you are a part of something. It is very important that you feel wanted at the job. When you are needed, you are able to satisfy your personal needs.

Another thing that you’ll want to consider is if the job fulfills you. Maybe you simply like working with others or working as a team. You may get some personal benefit from the job, because it allows you to do something that you love. You will find that the job needs to be something that you have a passion for in order to stay interested in the job and also be able to happy.

If you find yourself thinking and thinking, just trying to search for clues to rather you are really happy with your job or just content, you may want to do something about it. You’ll want to write down everything that you wish your job was. You’ll need to make a list of goals that will help you to become happy with your job. A lot of people would say that if they are unhappy at a job that they would quite, but that is not the case. Often you can’t afford to just quit, but you’ll need to work on making the job better in order to feel better about yourself.

Of course, to deal with your unhappiness you may need to quit if you have reached a point of no return. Often there is nothing that you can personally do to help yourself feel more comfortable with the job. You may need to consider giving yourself the opportunity to look for other options, because you should try to pursue something that will make you happy and also something that you can really put all you have into. You will want to make sure that you think about what you can and cannot do to change your options.

For those who are happy with their jobs, try to think why you are happy. This way you will end up appreciating your job each and every day. When a bad day comes around you will not be so easy to quit and you won’t find it so easy to talk bad about the job. You will be able to overcome some of the issues that you have pertaining to the job and you will be able to stay happy in your profession. You will also find that when you think about the reasons behind the job and behind your feelings you will be able to grow mentally and emotionally. It is something that you will be able to use as motivation as well.
2007-2008 Timothy Watson
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