Friday, July 11, 2008

Education in Self-Insight and Professional Growth

What we have to do to get what we want in life?

In order to get what you want in life your going to have to work at it. It isn’t going to come to you on a silver platter. Most of us want things in life that its almost impossible to have, without some kind of schooling you are not going to get there. We go though school until we are eighteen years old then they are telling us that we have to go back to school to make something with our self we are thinking this isn’t fair to us but it all good we can make it. Which I did not do. I skated through high school, especially my junior and senior years, mainly because I was working all the time.

We are going to have to work at it but it will come with some hard work and the ability to become what we want we can make our dreams come true. No matter what we do in life, we have to be able to have a good outlook on life as well as be able to do something to help us to better our self.

Nowadays there isn’t much work out there in our work fields so getting an good job and being able to keep it is going to be a task for some of us. Just take a look at it the one that are hiring you are going to look at your school as well as we work history. If you are headstrong, and feel you do not need to continue learning, or that you do not need a good work history to get your dream job, then you are off to a bad start. When it comes someone that has went to school all their life and has a great work history they just want to upgrade their career, which one do you think is going to get the job? You are right, the one that is showing more effort. Not the one that doesn’t care about anything in life and thinks it going to come to them on a plate, it is not going to happen when you want, to become a professional you are going to have to make it happen.

How do you make this happen?

In order to make this dream come true you are going to have to have better out look on life. The first thing your going to have to change is your attitude or your way of thinking, that you don’t need all of this. The cheap way out is not the right way out. If you are taking this road, then you are on the way to self-defeat. We all have to work toward something in order to get something good in return, so why not start now while you are young enough to do something about your ways of thinking? You have to be able to think better in may have to do with your attitude. I don’t know but you have to be able to think with a positive side. If you are wanting to really change then this isn’t going to be hard for you. You will notice that if you want the change then it will come to you easier then if you don’t want to change then it going to be hard for you to make that professional sideshow. However, once you have did want it takes to change then you will be able to enjoy life to the fullest that you can. It can and will happen if you are wanting it bad enough. All you have to do is to apply your self and reprogram your mind that you want to change and go for it.
2007-2008 Timothy Watson

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