Thursday, July 10, 2008

School, Learning and Self-Insight and Professional Growth

Have you ever took time to think as a child what you would like to be? We have all been there and for the most of us what we thought back then isn’t want we are today or what we want to be. We all have dreams of being rich one day. Nevertheless, have you really thought about how you were going to get to where you want to be? It is going to take some work getting there as well as the able to go the career you want to become. Some of us are going to have to work at this and others it will come natural to them. We have to be taught how to make the right discussion in order to get what we want in life so here am going to talk to you about getting just what you want and how to be able to get that professional that you want in life.

How do you pick what you want to do as a professional?

When you are trying to pick your life long career there are some things that your going to have to do. The main thing that your going to have to do is sit down and think about what you are good at. This means things like working with people, or playing sports, or what ever you like to do. When you are trying to pick a career this is suppose to be the job that your going to stay with though our your working time. Although this doesn’t always happen that way but that is the main idea for getting a career. Then after you have done that your going to have to figure what it is going to take for you to get there and get it done. With most professional careers you have to go to college to get some kind of degree, in which this isn’t going to hurt anyone, you are never too old to go to school. Although there are a lot of people that think otherwise and that is why most of them are working flipping burgers in a local burger joint. Don’t get me wrong now days you can make money doing that, but is it really what you want to do for the rest of your working
days? If so then go for it and have fun if not then its not to late to do something about it.

What are the steps to going forward with your schooling to become what
you want?

The steps to becoming something that you want isn’t hard to do but you have to know first what kind of study you enjoy. Do you want to become a nurse or do you feel like you want to become a teacher? Once you have an idea, you call your local college and they will walk you though it. You will notice that you will feel a lot better if you decide to do this. Your attitude will change greatly, you will feel a lot better about your self. You will be able to walk with your head up high. Just think that if you are doing this in the younger years in your life you will be able to show your children what to do for them to become all they can be, if your doing this in the later years that is OK, you are making a great example for your grandchildren. It is always a good thing to want to learn, as we learn something everyday in our life. Learning is a life long skill. We will always learn. We may not be aware that we are learning, but we are learning something new everyday of our life.
2007-2008 Timothy Watson

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