Friday, July 25, 2008

It has to do with self-help

I added a banner for InboxDollars.

They do pay. You sign up for offers, many free, some you need a credit card for and pay a small fee, which a pre-paid card is fine. Follow the terms though. This site does pay!! I would not of added it if they did not. I have done a few offers and got paid what I was supposed to, which was around $160, and I spent about 30 bucks. You know the old saying, "it takes money to make money"...if you have about $500 to spare, you could easily quadruple your money in 3 months, just by doing the offers. Reading the e-mail, you won't make jack.

I have about 50 people in my downline.

I'm trying to help myself by making more money.

Inbox Dollars

All future posts will be back on topic


Timothy Watson

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Self-Esteem and Personal Growth

Let us face it, living in the real world it is difficult to maintain a healthy self-esteem because it seems every corner one turns someone is there to try to knock him or her down. With this in mind, we must work harder to build self-esteem by learning positive affirmatives and the benefits of rewarding oneself for his or her good deeds. Moreover, we must manipulate through the process of personal transformation in order to make constructive changes that lead us to success.

Some of the best ways to develop your self-esteem through personal transformation is to practice meditation in the morning before you head off to work. Meditation will enable you to relax, which builds awareness that will make it easier to get through another day. Yoga is another great practice that you can use once you get home from work or early in the morning before you head off to work. Yoga practices will help build your self-esteem, discipline, self-control, confidence and other healthy traits.

Subliminal learning is a great way to work through the habits or behaviors and the way of thinking, that tends to stick with you. Use this healthy practice to work through the self-development phase. You will find refreshment by continuing to practice each day.

Monday, July 21, 2008

The Zen of Self Development

Why understanding Zen can be important if you are depressed

Using Zen will also help with your self-esteem and personal and professional growth.

Depression is something that so many people deal with all the time. It can be a very big problem if it is left untreated. Depression can also come in so many different forms. It is going to depend on the person and how they are affected by all that depression can do to them. Some people have to have extension treatment for their depression. Many do not realize that Zen can be a very important part of the healing process for depression.

Many women and men will experience depression an all that it can do to them. It will all depend on the hormone levels that the person’s body is going through at the time of their depression. Buddhism and Zen are going to go hand in had to be a good approach to the depression problem that many are facing today. This is going to be a different point of view and something new for a
person to try and get their life back on the high note that it once was on. Being able to see the good in Zen can help a person understand their depression and get through it the way that they have intended on doing. One of the most interesting aspects of Zen is that they can feel good about their body and their soul when they are practicing this great new form of treatment and all that it helps with. Zen can also help in the other areas where many people may have issues and are not sure how to address them.

Zen is a great way of relaxing the mind and the body and letting it take control over your self confidence. With the help of Zen you can have self confidence and be a better and happier person inside and out. Practicing Zen is something that you can do at any time or place in your life. You can take a few minutes out of your busy day and learn how to be a better and more excited person. It is going to help kick the depression out of the body. You are releasing the bad energy and letting the good back in. Zen is an amazing and great way to bring joy and peace back where it belongs in you.

You do not have to take drugs all the time to make your depression go away. Having your life’s happiness dependent on a pill everyday is not how you want to live. You need to have the freedom and the will to make life just as you want it to be without the worry of depression setting back in for any reason. Zen is a great tool to use in times when you are not sure of what to do or how to react to certain problems. With Zen you can create a better and more enjoyable way of living for you and those that are around you.

Changing the mood that you are in is important. You need to be persistent and make sure that you have all that you need to make sure you are not feeling down about yourself. With the powers of Zen you will be able to motivate your body and your soul to be more relaxed. This in return will give you the want and the need to find more in your life. Doing Zen everyday is something that you are going to want to do and you will do whatever it takes to find the time to make it happen.

Zen is something that you can share with others too. You may want to bring in your family or friends to practice this special form of treatment. With Zen you do not have to worry about
depression ever being a problem again. This great way of thinking and meditation is one way to
bring the good out in you and that entire are around you. Do not be afraid to give it a try especially if you are looking to remove the toxins out of your body and be a happier person and more excited about that entire life can give.
2007-2008 Timothy Watson
Build Your Self Confidence!
Includes resell rights!!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

How to develop your creative side

Being creative can help your personal and professional growth.

Everyone has a creative side although sometimes it is hidden and does not come to the surface quite as quickly as it does to others, however you can develop creativity by digging deep and practicing, searching for your creative side and bringing it to the forefront. Here are some top tips for helping you to draw out your creative side and expand on your creativity:

• Create lists – you can expand your creativity greatly and get that side working by making up a list whenever you have a problem which needs some creative thinking, list down as many ideas as you possibly can for solutions and let your creativity flow.

• Make changes in your life – sometimes we can get a creative block if we are stuck in a rut, make some changes to your daily life to get the channels flowing again.

• Work on the bad ideas – even if you are only coming up with bad ideas you are still being creative so work on the bad ones and develop them, whose to say it is a bad idea anyway, it could turn into a great idea and solution to your problems.

• Work in a great – working in a group and brainstorming together is a great way to develop creativity.

• Challenge yourself and others – if you challenge yourself by telling yourself you can’t do something the way you always have done it, you will then have to think of new ways to get around the problem which can lead to some very creative suggestions.

• Doodle – if you are stuck for ideas to a solution then keep a pen and paper handy and let your imagination clear and doodle ideas on the paper, it’s surprising what you will come up with if you free your mind this way.

• Encourage the thinking side of your brain – the right side of your brain is where the creativity starts so give it a jolt and wake it up by activating using the left side, try breathing out using only your left nostril a few times.

• Hire a life coach – if you feel your creativity is truly depleted then consider hiring a life coach to help you find it, a life coach can help you to establish the areas where your creativity is lacking and work with you to strengthen it.

• Think like a child – let go of all your adult obligations, stresses, strains and worries and go back to your childhood, children have the best imaginations and their creativity knows no bounds, think like a child when you are stuck for creative ideas and they will soon flow freely once again.

• Relax – creativity can often become depleted if we are under great stress, learning a relaxation technique not only makes you feel better but can help to clear your mind, give you a fresh start and get your creative side flowing again.

• Use some mind games – keep a few mind games to hand such as logic puzzles, by taking your mind off your problem and solving a puzzle you are using your brain and using your brain leads to positive and creative thinking.
2007-2008 Timothy Watson
Build your Self-Confidence!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

It’s All in Our Mind

Focusing the mind on the positive

We all go through some tough times in life, that’s just life; it can’t always be a bed of roses. However life is what you make it and by staying positive through the bad times as well as the good can make all the difference and gets you through the tough times with a smile.

But the big question is “how do you stay positive when things get tough?” Staying upbeat at times like this is the last thing on your mind, but it should be the first, you need to think positively now more than ever. The key to staying positive is to take your mind off your problems and worries and re-energizing your mind, this is especially true when you are having a bad day and you feel sorry for yourself and want to sit down and cry.

Here are some excellent tips for keeping a positive outlook in life no matter what’s going around you.

• If you find yourself around those who are negative then break free from them, negativity has a way of passing from person to person and they will drag you down with them.

• Don’t sit in front of the TV for hours at a time, the news is depressing, cop shops feature violence and death and negativity in some form is found on almost every show. If you do watch TV go for the more positive program such as a nature documentary showing the wonderful world in all its glory or a comedy.

• Spend as much time as you can with your family and loved ones, do something together which you all enjoy and aim to have a family night at least once a week where you can spend quality time together.

• In times when you are feeling particularly low and negativity starts to creep in, listen to a motivational CD or repeat positive affirmations to yourself to bring back a positive attitude.

• Take time out each day to just do something that you enjoy doing that doesn’t require you to make choices or decisions, something which relaxes you to the fullest.

• Try doing something that you wouldn’t normally do, something that is totally unlike you and out of character, take up a new hobby or sport that you would never have dreamed of doing.

• Get some exercise, this could be something as simply taking a walk in the fresh air and is totally free or go to the gym or taking part in activities such as yoga.

• Set yourself goals in order to get ahead and when you accomplish a goal give yourself a small reward for doing so

• Learn techniques that allow you to bring your attention and focus back to the task on hand quickly.

• Use affirmations throughout the day to instill self-confidence and positive thoughts and feelings.

• Always look for the best in bad situations, while things might not be what we expect if you look hard enough you may find they are not as bad as they seem to be.

• Remember that the situation won’t last forever, this is only a temporary stage you are going through and it will get better.
2007-2008 Timothy Watson
Build your self-confidence!
Self Confidence!

Positive affirmations for personal growth

How positive affirmations can change your life

Having a positive attitude is the key to being happy and leading a successful life, our thoughts play a huge role in how we feel and positive thinking leads to a confident person happy in life, while negativity leads to low self-esteem and you missing out on so much in life. We so often talk ourselves out of things without even realizing we are doing so, everyday hundreds of negative thoughts drift freely through our mind, we put ourselves down too much and sow the seeds of doubt. There is a small simple tool that you can use throughout the day to help to change these negative thoughts and instil a more positive way of thinking; using daily positive affirmations can change your life drastically for the better. They can make you more confident, more aware, more sure of yourself and change your life in many more aspects for the better.

What are positive affirmations?

Positive affirmations can be used throughout the day anywhere and at anytime you need them, the more you use them the easier positive thoughts will take over negative ones and you will see benefits happening in your life. An affirmation is a simple technique that is used to change negative self-talk that we are rarely even aware of doing, into looking at your life with a more positive attitude. Most of us have for many years bombarded ourselves with negative thoughts so changing your thoughts and the way you think won’t happen overnight but if you stick with affirmations they will work once you have retrained your way of thinking. There are many different affirmation techniques for dealing with different situations in life and the most popular and successful are listed below.

The mirror technique

This technique helps you to appreciate yourself and develop self-awareness and self-esteem, you should stand in front of a mirror, preferably a full length one in either just your underwear or better still naked. Start at your head and working down your body say out loud what it is you like about areas of your body, for example you could say “I like the way my hair shines, the slight differences in color where the light hits it” or “ my eyes are a lovely shade of _ _ _ _. They sparkle and glint; my eyes are a wonderful feature” take the time and go slowly over all your body building up a more positive image of yourself.

The anywhere technique

This technique can be used anywhere and whenever you catch yourself thinking a negative thought, when you realize you are having a negative thought think of yourself turning down a volume knob inside your head so that you turn it down low enough so as not to hear it any longer. Then think a positive affirmation to replace the negative and turn the volume back up repeating it to yourself.

The trashcan technique

If you have negative thoughts write them down on a scrap of paper, screw the paper up into a ball and throw it into the trashcan, by doing this you are telling yourself these thoughts are nothing but rubbish and that’s where they belong.

The meditation technique
Find somewhere quiet where you able to relax for 5 or 10 minutes close your eyes and let your mid empty of all thoughts and feelings. Begin to repeat your affirmation to yourself over and over again while concentrating on the words you are repeating and believe in what you are saying.
2007-2008 Timothy Watson

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Give it your all; Tips for boosting your mood

Never settle for anything less than giving it your all

Here are some tips to help you remember never to settle for anything but your
best no matter what the project is

• It doesn’t matter how big or small the project put your all into getting it completed

• If you think you have given it your best shot, pause and ask yourself
“could I improve”

• Plan our your project but always be willing to make changes and work your way around the unexpected

• It’s ok to pause but get back into the race and carry on until you pass the winning post.

Give yourself a mood boost

There are many little changes we can make in our lives that can give our mood a boost, boosting your mood brightens up your day, brings a smile and makes life that little bit easier to deal with. Just by making the smallest changes and taking as little as 5 minutes from your day you could be surprised with the difference it can make. It doesn’t have to be anything outlandish, just something you wouldn’t normally consider doing. Here are some tips to help give you that quick mood boost and can be done whenever you are feeling out of sorts with the world or feeling a little down.

If you have 5 minutes to spare you can:

• Take out your daily goal planner and write something down that you already completed today and cross it straight off the list

• Take the weight off your feet and eat one of your 5 daily portions of fruit or veg

• Look at yourself in the mirror and pull as many different funny faces as you can in 5 minutes

• Read the comics in the daily paper or on the Internet

• Take a quick shower or at least splash your face with water

• Use some of that expensive perfume or deodorant you had bought and enjoy the fragrance

If you have 15 minutes to spare you can:

• De-clutter your desk or an area of your home

• Treat yourself to a moisturizing mask

• Change into a favorite piece of clothing and admire yourself

• Do a few quick and easy exercises or stretches. I do pushups

• Read a few pages of a book or magazine you enjoy

• Make yourself a big fresh fruit smoothie, sit down and enjoy it

• Make a list of all the people you haven’t been in touch with in a while and schedule a time to call each of them

• Write down what you have enjoyed doing so far during the day in your journal

• Find a comfortable spot, close your eyes and enjoy the silence, sound of rain or chirping shortage of Mockingbirds here!

If you have 30 minutes spare you can:

• Call someone you haven’t talked with in a while and catch up on all the gossip you missed

• Use your computer to look for ideas for your summer vacation

• Take a soak in a tub full of your favorite bubbles or skin softener

• Listen to your favorite CD

• Go to your local store and treat yourself

• Go for a walk and say hello to everyone you meet

• Turn off the TV, phone and anything else that could disturb you and sit
down and enjoy peace and quiet for a half-hour

• Plan a quiet romantic meal

• Write a letter to someone special and mail it

• Discover a new recipe on the internet and plan to cook it for dinner

• Replace any old photographs you have in frames with more updated

Helping Ones Self for Self Improvement

Don’t Settle for Mediocrity

True success in life can only come by not settling for mediocrity, we should always strive to achieve and get the most out of life that we possibly can, it is only when we push ourselves and give it all we’ve got can we then give ourselves a pat on the back for a job well done. Success in life depends on self-discipline and not giving in at the first hurdle you come across or going into a project only half-hearted, by pushing yourself that little bit further you will be surprised at what you are capable of achieving, this is what separates the winners from the losers or the successful from the unsuccessful.

All people say that they want to succeed in life at whatever they do but very few are willing to actually push themselves them little bit further in order to achieve their goals, and this is why some of us succeed in life and others fail. How well you succeed is all about how bad you want the success, what it means to you, are you willing to succeed a little or are you willing to go the whole way and beyond to achieve a higher status and be outstanding?

We all start out with the best of intentions when racing towards the goals we have set, we shoot out of the starting gate and run down the straight but many of us fall back at the first hurdle, we don’t push, we run out of steam when the going gets tough and don’t pause to catch our second wind but come to a halt and give up, or stumble on half-heartedly and cross the line in second or third place at best.

Those who do have the winning streak in them, who know that with a little extra push and a pause to catch their breath and then a final sprint down the home straight and past the winning post a head in front of their competitors are the ones that end up with the glory and true success in life.

Of course all those who are successful don’t just rely on pushing themselves, all winners have a strategy and are willing to be flexible on their way to success because life has a way of throwing many different spanners into the works along the way. We have to be able to adapt to these unexpected happenings when they occur and not get bogged down, we have to take them in our stride, skip around them and continue in the race.
2007-2008 Timothy Watson

Monday, July 14, 2008

What is self-confidence?

How to gain self confidence

Today is one of those days when your group has to make a presentation to a client. This is an important occasion because it is an opportunity to get your boss' attention. It could mean a raise or a promotion if you could just muster the courage to stand there in front of these people and present your proposal. The problem is, your shyness gets the better of you, and you are relegated to the background.

Self confidence. This is what you lack, and this is what your colleague Elena has. But what is self confidence? Is it the ability to speak in a loud voice so you can get people's attention? Is it about power dressing?

Self confidence is an attitude that is characterized by a positive belief that one can take control of one's life and of one's plans. People who are self confident are those who acknowledge their capacity to do something and then proceed to do these things. They do not rely on the approval of other people in order to affirm their existence. It is enough that they know they have the capacity and the potential to do something, and the guts to do it no matter what others may say. People who are self confident take advantage of the opportunities that comes their way.

Factors in gaining self confidence

While the process of attaining self confidence starts from childhood, an adult can still gain self confidence through his determination and through the support of his family and friends.

Parental support and acceptance

People begin to develop confidence while growing up. The role of parents in instilling self confidence in their children is very important. Parents who are always critical of their children without acknowledging the latter's strengths unknowingly dampen the development of their self confidence.

On the other hand, parents who are always willing to give support while encouraging their children to take a step forward will most likely rear self confident children. Parents who make their children feel loved and accepted despite their imperfections will most likely encourage self confidence.

Lack of self confidence is not proportional to a person's abilities. In fact, there are people who are extremely talented and able but they lack self confidence to show these abilities. If you are wanting in self confidence, then you must continuously do things that will help you gain confidence.

Identify your strengths and weaknesses and capitalize on that. Make full use of your strength and gather positive points. This will help you gain self confidence. Do not expect everything to be perfect because you are bound to do something wrong along the way. Nobody is perfect and everyone is culpable of making mistakes. Acknowledge your abilities and talent and take stock of them. Do not under estimate yourself. Try to recognize every little thing you have done which has become successful. Try to learn a new skill, and try to learn new things as this will make you a better person.

Look for things that make you feel good about yourself. It can be photos of past achievements like when you won a race or won a debate; it can be a poem you wrote which was published in a book. Concentrate on things that you have
achieved and take it from there. This will give you more confidence to do other things in life.

Developing self confidence is not easy especially if you do not think highly of yourself. If you want to be self confident, avoid things that will discourage you from gaining confidence. Do not dwell on past mistakes or failures because it will make you feel insignificant. Being a defeatist will not give your confidence a boost.
Better yet, concentrate on the positive things that you have done and accomplished and make them your inspiration. In time, you will have more faith in yourself, and hopefully, more confidence.
2007-2008 Timothy Watson

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Self Confidence and Personal Growth E-Book

Some of the most powerful tools to build your confidence and influence more customers, grab more profits, and achieve new heights in your personal life as well are just a click away. You’ll find secrets that show you how to conquer:

  • Fear of rejection

  • Fear of loss

  • Fear of failure

  • Fear of people

  • Physical stumbling blocks

  • Re-training “self talk”

Self Confidence


Probing into Self Insight and Professional Growth

There are so many ways to get what you want these days there is not reason for you not to be able to get that profession that you are wanting. It may take some time but it ok, that is all we have is time, if you think about it that is the truth there is nothing but time in our world. Instead of thinking that you do not have much time, think about the time you won’t have when you are
working 70 hours a week just to make ends meet.

Although we are working, we can spend some of the minutes centering in on our way to improve our skills. With out time we wouldn’t be anything. Have you taken a long deep look into your head to decided what you want to do when you really grow up? This is something they are suppose to get you to do when your in school is to show you how to become a professional. Who want to think about school when we are young and we don’t want to send all of our time in school?

Most of us are thinking at that time I don’t need school to make something out of myself, I will get a job. Most of us did that but if you are anything like others, soon you will find out that it wasn’t what you really wanted to do for the rest of my life. Sometimes gets you by but as you get older and had a family of your own and soon noticed that what you was doing wasn’t going to get you the life you wanted for your children. We have to then think of how and what to do to improve our life so that we could set a good example for my children, this is when we have to take a long look in the mirror and think. You may have found out that you wanted to help sick children and adults so you decided that you were going to go back to school to become a nurse. That is what some people did; yet as they went back to school and became that nurse they learned later that this wasn’t really want they wanted. Some people run into some hard times in getting their degree but if these people would stick with it, things would work out fine.

Like they say I don’t need school well they will soon see that they do need school. We cannot make our child do anything that they don’t want to do, but we can try to show them the right way in life. Children learn what is good and bad, we cannot make their minds up for them, but we can teach them how to make the right ones in life to get what they want and desire though out there years. Start probing into your life.
2007-2008 Timothy Watson

Friday, July 11, 2008

Education in Self-Insight and Professional Growth

What we have to do to get what we want in life?

In order to get what you want in life your going to have to work at it. It isn’t going to come to you on a silver platter. Most of us want things in life that its almost impossible to have, without some kind of schooling you are not going to get there. We go though school until we are eighteen years old then they are telling us that we have to go back to school to make something with our self we are thinking this isn’t fair to us but it all good we can make it. Which I did not do. I skated through high school, especially my junior and senior years, mainly because I was working all the time.

We are going to have to work at it but it will come with some hard work and the ability to become what we want we can make our dreams come true. No matter what we do in life, we have to be able to have a good outlook on life as well as be able to do something to help us to better our self.

Nowadays there isn’t much work out there in our work fields so getting an good job and being able to keep it is going to be a task for some of us. Just take a look at it the one that are hiring you are going to look at your school as well as we work history. If you are headstrong, and feel you do not need to continue learning, or that you do not need a good work history to get your dream job, then you are off to a bad start. When it comes someone that has went to school all their life and has a great work history they just want to upgrade their career, which one do you think is going to get the job? You are right, the one that is showing more effort. Not the one that doesn’t care about anything in life and thinks it going to come to them on a plate, it is not going to happen when you want, to become a professional you are going to have to make it happen.

How do you make this happen?

In order to make this dream come true you are going to have to have better out look on life. The first thing your going to have to change is your attitude or your way of thinking, that you don’t need all of this. The cheap way out is not the right way out. If you are taking this road, then you are on the way to self-defeat. We all have to work toward something in order to get something good in return, so why not start now while you are young enough to do something about your ways of thinking? You have to be able to think better in may have to do with your attitude. I don’t know but you have to be able to think with a positive side. If you are wanting to really change then this isn’t going to be hard for you. You will notice that if you want the change then it will come to you easier then if you don’t want to change then it going to be hard for you to make that professional sideshow. However, once you have did want it takes to change then you will be able to enjoy life to the fullest that you can. It can and will happen if you are wanting it bad enough. All you have to do is to apply your self and reprogram your mind that you want to change and go for it.
2007-2008 Timothy Watson

Thursday, July 10, 2008

School, Learning and Self-Insight and Professional Growth

Have you ever took time to think as a child what you would like to be? We have all been there and for the most of us what we thought back then isn’t want we are today or what we want to be. We all have dreams of being rich one day. Nevertheless, have you really thought about how you were going to get to where you want to be? It is going to take some work getting there as well as the able to go the career you want to become. Some of us are going to have to work at this and others it will come natural to them. We have to be taught how to make the right discussion in order to get what we want in life so here am going to talk to you about getting just what you want and how to be able to get that professional that you want in life.

How do you pick what you want to do as a professional?

When you are trying to pick your life long career there are some things that your going to have to do. The main thing that your going to have to do is sit down and think about what you are good at. This means things like working with people, or playing sports, or what ever you like to do. When you are trying to pick a career this is suppose to be the job that your going to stay with though our your working time. Although this doesn’t always happen that way but that is the main idea for getting a career. Then after you have done that your going to have to figure what it is going to take for you to get there and get it done. With most professional careers you have to go to college to get some kind of degree, in which this isn’t going to hurt anyone, you are never too old to go to school. Although there are a lot of people that think otherwise and that is why most of them are working flipping burgers in a local burger joint. Don’t get me wrong now days you can make money doing that, but is it really what you want to do for the rest of your working
days? If so then go for it and have fun if not then its not to late to do something about it.

What are the steps to going forward with your schooling to become what
you want?

The steps to becoming something that you want isn’t hard to do but you have to know first what kind of study you enjoy. Do you want to become a nurse or do you feel like you want to become a teacher? Once you have an idea, you call your local college and they will walk you though it. You will notice that you will feel a lot better if you decide to do this. Your attitude will change greatly, you will feel a lot better about your self. You will be able to walk with your head up high. Just think that if you are doing this in the younger years in your life you will be able to show your children what to do for them to become all they can be, if your doing this in the later years that is OK, you are making a great example for your grandchildren. It is always a good thing to want to learn, as we learn something everyday in our life. Learning is a life long skill. We will always learn. We may not be aware that we are learning, but we are learning something new everyday of our life.
2007-2008 Timothy Watson

Differences in Self-Insight and Professional Growth

Today in the real world, we all have to work doing something or the other to make it work for us. So how do we do this well we have to learn to reprogram our self but first we have to be able to want it, not for just the work field but for our self as well. This is going to take some work and affect but again if you want it you will make it. Today's world isn’t going too good at the moment, as we all know this. We are going to have to make it somehow to make it happen this is going to be up to you and how fast you get it.

The world today isn’t going to get any better in the near future, so in order to make some improvements we have to do something for us, in order to get anywhere. If we don’t then we are going to go nowhere fast. We have to try to make some improvement on our end so that we have or at lest try to get a better life for us and our family. Our families are very importing to us we they are suppose to be any ways so why not work together to make something happen. In order for it to happen, we have to be able to want the change.

What do I have to be able to do to be able to changes my ways of thinking?

You don’t have to do much of anything to be able to change your ways of thinking but you do have to want the change for you. No one can make just changes for you; you are going to have to want them to help to improve you and your life style. Once you have done this you will feel a lot better about yourself and others around you will also be able to tell the difference. I have been there, done that.

What is the first thing that I have to do in order to start changing?

The first thing that you should do is make sure this is want you want. Once you have done that you need to learn to be able to think with a positive attitude. This will help you to be able to make the right decisions once you have done this things will come to you more clearly. It makes you capable of making all the right calls.

Once this is done then you are going to have to be able to decide what you
want to do with your life as a professional. This means making the right choices in choosing the right career that you want. This is something again that your going to have to be able to look deep in your self to be able to decided what you want to do as a career woman or man. This is going to take some time doing so do not make the decision overnight, take some time with it for this is suppose to be a long time career, not a lot of time but some. This will help you to be able to decide what you want to become in your life.

Once this is done then you are going to have to go and get started getting ready for your in professional path in life. This may include going back to school. It may be able to lead you on the right path to your profession that you want to become in your life. This is a big step. Yet, if you want something, you will go out and get it. If you want something bad enough, you as a person has to make it happen. Nobody is going to hand anything to you.
2007-2008 Timothy Watson

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Different Levels in Self-Insight and Professional Growth

Levels in Self Insight and Professional Growth

Your about out of school what are you going to do with your life? This is where you need to really be thinking about who you want to become this is one a professional level. Let us get real have you really thought about as a child you would say I would like to be a doctor when I grow up or maybe even a police offers but that is a far, as it would go right. You would not look into yourself to discover what you would like to be right. Well it is time to do that unless you enjoy making your professional career working at a burger joint.

Let us take a long hard look at the world today. Are you really going anywhere working at your local burger joint? More than likely not, do you like it, I mean really like it, is this going to be something that you would like to do for the next forty years of your life. More than likely not right, well then get off the sofa and away from the T.V. and do something about it.

This is going to take some time but if you really would like to make something out of yourself so that your will be noticed in life then what is time nothing right. Therefore, what do you have to do to get this in order? The first thing you are going to have to do is to take along look inside your mind as well as your soul and be able to figure out what you would like to do with your life. You have to be able to realize that you really truly want this and then you will be on the road to a better life style coming your way. This better life style is going to come to you in less you really want this to happen it going to take some work and effort on your behave. However, I believe in you and I think if you put your mind to it, you can do anything that you want in life.

How do I get started in the new and professional me?

Once you have decided what you want to do with your life then it is all really easy to get there and do something about it. This may mean you have to be able to think all the time with a positive attitude this will have to go with you though out your lifetime. Not only while you are at work but also while you are at play. You will notice that once you are able to see thing with a positive attitude you will notice how well things will be going for you. You will be able to see things in a better way you will notice that you will be able to look at yourself in a different way this is all to help you out.

If then and when you are ready, that is when you make the big move to see how to get what you really want to do. This could mean that you have to go to school to better your education or take some kind of training who knows whatever it may be then go for it and do not stop until you get there. We have all had to do something in our life to better it so this is not going to be too hard we have all lived though it and made it. You will be just fine on the road to successful side of you.
2007-2008 Timothy Watson

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Hierarchy in Self-Insight and Professional Growth

Hierarchy in Self-Insight and Professional Growth

Maslow made some great points when he commented on the “hierarchy of needs.” As stated by his viewpoint led him to believe that needs follow a formation, which all plays into professional growth. This structure involved a “lower level needs” that started with the fundamental continued existence that must be satisfied “before higher level needs guide a person’s behavior.” One of the highest levels is the need for “self-actualization.” (Psychology; pg. 326)

In the workplace, many people have higher levels of needs that commence with basic survival skills. Other people are on the lower need scale. The ones on this scale tend to have inner guides that direct them toward professional growth. We see that these individuals that have higher needs are channeled down the right course while the lower level needs are not. With this in mind, we can see that someone could without problems form predisposed opinions of another, and make obvious their stereotype behaviors that interject a work environment. To some of us, labeling or categorizing others is one of the largest problems we all have to deal with, and shape the way one thinks, which is brought out in the open in their behaviors each day.

An additional drawback in the workplace is pointed out in various periodicals that speak of favoritism. Preferential treatment in the work environment has repeatedly caused many issues that decline the count of professionalism. Employers and employees have a duty to show fairness to one another. Each of us has the responsibility to treat each other equal. This is an EEOC fair opportunity act in progress. The many consequences one will face for not illustrating EEOC characteristics and by ignoring the policies and procedures, thus the consequences should be the same for all. Bosses must treat employees equal; otherwise, it could cause conflict in the work environment. People often develop hostile attitudes when they are not treated justly. With so much competition in the world, as well as the low morale issues, lack of respect, etc, it is hard on all of us, which is why equal fairness should be demonstrated each day.

We all must develop professional behaviors, thinking, and so on to rebuild skills that were torn away by the entire negative that takes place in our world. We must reform our thinking and behaviors while staying clear of negative people. Despite that, these rules exists many employees, employers, and even the law ignores these rules. In the work environment, the supervisor, owners, or managers are responsible for motivation. The morale on the job will determine the success, attitude, and dedication of the employees. Being positive, honest, and treating employees with respect will create a positive work environment with working and willing employees. Introducing new ideas, teamwork including supervisors participating, rewards and
understanding personal and business issues will motivate staff to meet deadlines, be attendance conscious, and adhere to policies and procedures. A motivating supervisor with a positive attitude will gain the respect of the employees and the willingness for their contribution to be complete and concise.
2007-2008 Timothy Watson

Monday, July 7, 2008

Challenges with professional growth and self-insight

Spending Life with Self-Insight and Professional Growth

Professional growth is one of the processes of self-development. We must spend a lifetime going through the changes that help us to develop professional skills. Sometimes life gets us down, but if we continue thriving ahead, often we reap many benefits.

Taking on the challenges that life tosses our way is the key to manipulate through this growing phase. You must continue to work through the stages throughout your life in order to keep advancing and pushing ahead. With each new change in our workplace and ecosystem, we must work meticulously today to accomplish our goals. We need to continuously learn, and do everything in your power to make it to the goal line. Life takes us through many twists and turns, which sometimes make it difficult to focus and continue pushing to advance skills. Instead of life getting you down, get ahead of life by learning to accept change. Change is part of growing up. When we lose focus, it makes it demanding to deal with life, not to mention managing our duties at our workplace. Focus on what you must do to accomplish your goals. This is a major part of getting ahead. When you are aware and can find the ways to reform your behaviors.

Throughout the years, we generate a set of attitudes, which involve our actions, beliefs, thoughts, and learned behaviors. This all keys a state of mind. By staying focused on professional growth and developing the mind, you can win the race. Understand that we must move to a higher consciousness in order to take control of our life and maintain this position. Our thoughts and memory enclose the consciousness, accomplishment and bring into being our feelings, thinking, perceptions, dreams, etc, and then supplies this information in a protected constituency to form as knowledge and memories. The level of thinking capacity is what determines our direction in life.

You want to develop your creative and critical thinking abilities. This is creating a constructive mind in which you can form patterns or techniques to usher on toward professional growth by using your self-insight. The key is to get the mind and body to work in unison so that the two will labor with you. We can make the progress of professional growth smooth by retraining your actions and thoughts. You can question yourself to discover what you have learned. Use your self-talk and meditation skills to question the self. Reflect on what you learn. These are only a few ways to get on the road to professional growth.

Making improvements is easy when you develop a drive and need to better the self. Many experts tend to develop positive-thinking routine, a higher intensity of consciousness, self-insight and so on to take control of their life. The expert will take control of his or her thinking, behaviors, and perspective on life. Those with professional skills tend to build self-confidence through self-talk. Consistent reflection as well as many other techniques assists them with cultivating skills, such as self-control.

You will spend your life making changes, but with each step you take you will come one-step closer than the next person in professional growth. Many people lack this skill, which is causing growing concerns. In fact, many businesses now are requiring that people take on the responsibility of developing their professional mask. This mask they must continue wearing and consistently bettering each day. To learn more about professional growth visits the World Wide Web and read some of the latest articles. Reading will also improve your skills and take you closer to professional
2007-2008 Timothy Watson

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Long and short-term memory and self-insight

How the memory functions play into professional growth:

We can learn from self-insight and professional growth by understanding the memory and how it retains information. The memory is a structure of membranes seated on short-term and long-term memory stems that stretch to the conscious, subconscious, and unconscious mind. One might ask, about the perimeter or maximum value of short-term memory when measured up to long-term memory. How does the short and long-term memory affect our inclusive realization? One might ask if the preservation of information cognizant or semi-conscious?

Understanding short and long-term memory:

Short-term is merely a transitory storage space where information is stored for a very short time. Short-term memory affects our cognizant, since if one wanted to summon up something that did not make it to the long-term memory, then that entity would apply great effort to bring to mind the details. In order to call to mind information from the short-term district of the brain you must act without delay.

The Long-term memory in contrast, is parts of our memory that retains information from our experiences whereas the information is permanent. The underpinning sources in the mind, such as the subconscious and unconscious mind catches bits and pieces where this part of the information is stored. In spite of everything we learn, all this information we congregate from nativity on, streams through the conscious, subconscious and unconscious mind whereas bits and pieces stay in the subliminal and unconscious area of the mind.

How information is retained:

The preservation of information is mutually cognizant and semi-conscious. This is because continuation of information channels down to the conscious, subconscious, and the cataleptic mind. For example, if you watch a television advertisement, likely you will retain information from the imagery or faces, but you may not call to mind the details, because you were not altogether focused, and the information channeled down to the subconscious region of the brain. You’d have to scrutinize into this district to find out what you learned, or retained.

How understanding the mind benefits you:

By understanding the mind, and how the memory works, you can improve professional skills, since it will help you to appreciate, accept, and then find ways to meet your goal. Sometimes we must select our intelligence to move forward and find ways to meet our goals. Gardner left the best impressions when he drew attention to multiple, intelligence. According to Gardner, we have the power to use all of this intelligence, which include the musical intelligence, bodily and kinesthetic, spatial, linguistic, verbal, logical, mathematical, interpersonal, and intrapersonal.

Gardner explained to us that we could isolate the neuro-psychological aspects of our intelligence. Gardner believes that we have multi-intelligence because the body is a multi-neural component. These modules produce expressions, which represent how we memorize something, or execute rules and procedures. Read more about the levels of intelligence we posses. This will help you find ways to use all these levels to work toward professional growth.

Uses our seven levels of intelligence we can ultimately reach a higher plane of growth. The key is to integrate this intelligence and then bring them to work in unison. Harmonization is the major key points in understanding how to manage or operate a business. When there is no harmony, there is no peace. We recommend that you learn more about memory development, since it will help you with using your insight to advance toward professional growth. Insight takes us just around the corner to professional growth. We start to approach and reach the finish line when we use self-insight. Spend your life working toward self-growth.
2007-2008 Timothy Watson

Friday, July 4, 2008

Lose the negative habits

Develop Self Insight for Professional Growth

All of us have the power to make changes in the way we think, feel, or conduct our self. We can consider our level of development, knowledge, experiences, and the proceedings from the precedent years. We must practice natural techniques, which can help us to stay focused. Once preparation starts, we must weigh the difference amid unconstructive and positive. Rumination is the processes of thinking deeply on a subject. This course of action moves one through the process of discovery and developing original ideas.

Human expansion experts often have the same opinion that if one focuses on developing hale and hearty self-esteem and virtuous quantity of self-belief that entity can prevail over the unhelpful acts, feelings, behaviors, and so forth. A measure of the solution involves the interaction with encouraging influences. These influences will help you find a way to perceive things differently and often will activate your spirits with a few friendly words that come from well-rounded knowledge, contented moods, pleasant appearance, trustworthiness, and so forth.

How one contributes to information in some measure influence what mindset we develop. Being around negative people all the time will only hold you back from professional growth. When you step into this growth arena, you want to arm yourself with the best breastplate that life can provide. This will ensure that you meet the expectations all the way through this growth phase. You must remove any negativity in your life to advance toward professional growth. Below is a list of negative that you can work on: Be sure to take action as soon as possible so that you become the pro that you long to be.

- Racism – the variants of racism only lead you to intolerance and bigotry. Do not be listed in this category, otherwise, you will not succeed in the business world.

- Hate – if you are filled with hate, revulsions, you are someone disgusting to others. Abandon hate and people will like you.

- Dishonesty – if you are dishonest, people will not trust you. Mendacious people often commit fraud or other crimes, simply because they set themselves up for the fall.

- Disloyal – disloyal people are unfaithful, false, or fake, treacherous, and untrustworthy. Do not be a fictional character in someone’s book rather develop faithful traits.

- Doubt – When you have doubts, you will often hesitate when it is your turn to make a decision. If you are indecisive, people will consider you mistrusting, will feel suspicious of you, skeptic to listen, reserved, and so on.

Do not be a smidgen. Rather become a lifelong learner, and adjust your way of thinking by finding the facts.

There are many other negative thinking habits you should consider. You should also consider your behaviors and habits. If you have unconstructive habits or behaviors, they often lead you straight down the road to damnation. You want to avoid hitting this road, since no benefits are offered. The only true outcome is self-defeat, self-destruction, and self-annihilation. Understand that you can extract from negative to produce positive. By develop a winning sense of humor you will start to see things in many ways, rather in a negative way. Learn to laugh and be cheerful. Everyone enjoys a person full of life. Imagine yourself sitting in a big, overstuffed leather office chair with a big fat expensive cigar in your hand. Often the relaxed people make it to the higher office grounds. You can change in many ways, but try to keep it on a real note and on a constructive level so that you can improve your overall quality of life. Dismiss those negative thoughts.
2007-2008 Timothy Watson

Decode Self Insight and Professional Growth

People with privileged information, psychologists, and other professionals more often than not delineate or associate professional growth with a positive attitude. Various Internet areas online are looking more into ways to assist people with advancing their professional skills because of the new outsourcing changes. Online you will find a variety of theoretical quotes, instruction manuals, and abstract studies that make reference to the benefits of building a positive attitude to advance to professional growth.

We must stay focused and develop self-confidence in order to survive this crazy world. People that build up positive attitudes stay focused and looks for a better tomorrow. Instead of being part of the problem, they often become part of the solution. Some of the unconstructive or neutral minded however, strive harder to become part of the solution. We must focus on our conceptions and perceptions in order to adjust the way we think. We must also consider the environmental and social elements to adapt to a new way of thinking.

Social and environmental influences affect the way we think. These interactive influences also affect how one perceives life. We see the affects of social and environmental influences reflecting in our thoughts and behaviors. Our interaction abilities affect our entire life. This is only if we allow it. We need to consider the many factors including the way we see the world when it comes to advancing in expert growth.

Our measurement of thinking is often amid constructive, unconstructive and the in the intervening time. A number of people go beyond the boundaries of negative thinking that it pushes them to develop self-defeating habits. Each of us think depressing thoughts at times, yet at times, we have the measure of equilibrium. The pessimistic and positive thoughts can either, work for us or against us. Unconstructive attitudes often cause one to feel despondent.

Unconstructive thinking changes our views, understanding, and way of thinking, value, and ethics. It twists one’s entire life around. The manipulative tactics that take place around us affect our way of seeing things and can adjust our entire attitude. Professionals in the psychology sector, as well as the behaviorists typically delineate pessimistic thinking as an act that causes affects and reflects in our behavior and form as habits. The unconstructive changes derive from misconceptions and stem from the channels of knowledge, comprehension, and cognition. Cognition is one’s ability to acquire knowledge through intuition, reasoning, and perceptions. Our physical functions discharge from the temperament of one’s need to survive.

This survivalist need show a relationship with the human natural feeling. It is urbanized, and expanded through knowledge, experiences, and the proceedings of our precedent years of one’s life. The responses often cause one to build up a collection of prototypes of behaviors in which it becomes perceptible in a collaborating ecosystem. One’s predilection or first choice reflects on our way of thinking. Our choices give a hand to enable us to manage our life on a survivalist scale. We have the power to self-examine our dislikes and likes through intensifying our first choice. Spoken objective collective with self-analysis through observational learning can benefit us by helping one to advance in professional growth. Visit the Internet today to find more ways to take action and advance toward professional growth, since each day is essentially changing the pace and the way in which the world can see things. Technology is advancing, which is making it necessary and essential to arrive at professional development.
2007-2008 Timothy Watson

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Building Confidence in Self Insight and Professional Growth

Building Confidence in Self Insight and Professional Growth

At the bottom of emotional starting place over and over again causes people to produce constructive or unenthusiastic thoughts. Over the course of one’s life, they must take the road to unconscious, conscious, and subconscious learning to figure it all out. In the mind, we have channels that enable us to improve our professional, personal, performance, and other skills. We have the root of knowledge from our learning, experiences and events that we can draw from to advance toward professional growth.

One’s way of thinking when optimistic can help that one to institute self-belief, which allows this one to build on the confidence through practice. Constructive social communication and self-help methods can help one to establish a new way of thinking. Our discernment and commencement reflect on the self and others. Often we must reprogram the mind to re-frame our way of thinking. It is up to each of us to take action to adapt our way of thinking.

The world is a big place and offers many rewards, so why not step into self-insight, and advance toward professional growth. This is the start of building confidence and self-esteem. We all have propensity and parallel individuality. Each of us seeks appreciation, admiration, love, and other constructive enforcer to make one stronger. We all must feel engrossed in something and fit into place. The common denominators say to us that all of us have the ability to use self-insight to advance toward professional growth. We all need encouraging influences in order to make it over the hurdle of self-development. The problem however is that many individuals panic at the thought of change. Change however is something that helps us to grow. Change is advancement and gives us prospective ways to improve our skills and abilities. Change enables one to adapt and make de rigueur or obligatory adjustments.

We need to develop an understanding in order to keep a clear mind. We need this clear mind to decide how we should respond or react to any situation, be part of the cause, verbalize, or generate a working natural environment. Change drives one to acknowledgment. This makes the entity feel the need to be in the right place, feel a sense of acknowledgment, and so on. Revolutionize changes can help build self-confidence and inspiration. All of us must institute a self-reliance to develop self-confidence. By paving the passageway to your advancement, you will exert the self harder, working on the way to building self-confidence and a winning way of thinking. We must pay attention to constructive feedback, since it helps us to adapt to making changes that drive us to professional growth alley.

We need to put emphasis on our progress while seeing things in a broad spectrum. By checking one’s internal and external advancements and growth, one can recognize his abilities and give rewards for the progress you have completed. We must stay focused. Focusing on one’s competency and professional skills will help you to keep growing. We must fundamentally thrive to focus on the positive, and let the negative go. We can place great emphasis on accomplishment, motivation, management, performance, and other skills. We are obligated to recognize that our constructiveness is the way to encourage the self by reflecting on one’s introspective, self-evaluation and correction progress.

To learn more about developing a positive attitude for self-insight and professional growth, visit the Internet today. You will find loads of valuable information posted online. Look along the new age arena to find the latest techniques that have been helping people through professional growth for years. Start the decoding process today.
2007-2008 Timothy Watson

Observation in Self-Insight and Professional Growth

Observational learning

Observational learning has proven to be one of the most sufficient strategic techniques that will help anyone improve their skills and advance toward professional growth. To improve this skill however, you must work through the self-concept stage, theorization, and the perspective training. According to experts, the observational learner often develops skills quicker than those that study from textbooks.

It is a proven fact that what you see is more accurate than most of what you hear. Thus, when one uses observational learning it often makes it difficult to refute any questions. Still, some all people see things differently, so this affects one’s observational learning abilities. You can change this pattern however. All it takes is your willingness to continue learning. When you learn and gather facts and evidence, it makes it easier to develop an honest platform, which is one quality of a professional.

Learning is a gift. This is something we need to continue doing all through our life; otherwise, the brain becomes inactive and starts to degenerate faster. By reading, writing and doing some puzzles you can increase your brain’s ability to retain information, as well as improve your chance of living longer.

Observational learning is improved when you change the way you feel about life, and when you find facts to reform your misconceptions. Thus, the misconstruction of our understanding must be reformed in order to correct any way of misgiving behaviors and thinking patterns. You can use information online, go to the library, or better yet, enroll in college to retrain your mind. This will help you build on professional growth. Your image of you will seem better, as your skills, way of thinking, behaviors, etc all improve.

You can read books, articles, magazines or other materials to find more information on observational learning. The tactic has proven useful for many over the years. Even people with psychiatric disorders have gone a long way by using this natural gift. Visiting the Library or the Internet will put you in connection with several of the latest publications and articles listed online. Recently, the new book written on professional growth is available as well. You will find loads of information via the Internet, so start your search today. The sooner you get started, the quicker you will get going on professional growth.

Pay attention when you watch someone and observe your surroundings. Reflect on what you learn. This is one of the ways you can build your observational skills. Making observational learning a ritual will improve your skills. However, you should also participate in continuous learning so that you clear up any misconceptions that developed throughout your lifetime of learning.

Those that continue learning often live with a free mind. Their mind is not cluttered and rarely does anything get in the way of their professional growth. Many experts in psychology and in science often use observational learning to study human behaviors. They have learned much by using these applications in the field of scientific studies.

Each day if you practice observing and looking inward as well, followed by examining what you learn you can improve your skills: once you develop skills then you can take the next step in working toward professional growth. Use some of the natural practices, such as meditation to advance. This is one of the best practices that many people have used to help them improve all their skills, including focus, observation, and so on. You can also develop a higher plane of consciousness through this practice. Make it a habit and practice everyday. This will ensure you get on the road to professional development. Start building your confidence.
2007-2008 Timothy Watson

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Views in Self-Insight and Professional Growth

When it comes to self-development and understanding others, it is almost like a seemingly endless rollercoaster ride that never seems to stop. Just when you think you have figured out someone, new development stages unfold and you are back to learning again. When you work through professional growth by using self-insight, it pays to keep the golden rule in sight. “Just when you think you know it all, you soon find out that you know nothing at all.” This is a never-ending cycle for all of us.

To understand others as well as the self, you must go through this permanent episode of changes and development. By the time you become a young one in the infancy phase, you already have a measure of achievements. This is part of the recognition of interacting socialably, which takes you to a mutual stand in growth. During this stage, infants tend to develop this view that their other individual dealings are based on the self.

We analyze perceptions. We carry on finding out how they play into using self-insight for professional growth, which also takes us around the circles of theorization that develops in the mind. Throughout adolescent and beyond we move into the “perspective-taking” phases, which drives us straight into the gutters of understanding one’s ability to view others and the way they may see things.

We use visualization tactics to examine others and the self. Using these same tactics one can expand his or her professional growth through inner insight. Using visualization combined with affirmations we can clear any doubts from our minds. This includes self-defeating doubt, such as doubting one’s ability to reach goals. We all have this ability. Some are sluggish, some of us miss the points, and some other of us makes it to the finish line. You want to be one of those on that finish line by develop professional skills.

We make to this line through training, practice, exertion, and using techniques that work for us. One of the best ways to get started is by assessing and measuring your weaknesses and strengths. You will also need to recognize how these strengths could be chink in somebody's armor, and how your weaknesses could be strengths. By recognizing these elements of your strengths and weaknesses, you can move to take action. This action will involve the improvement of your skills and abilities.

We are often preconditioned by influences surrounding our environment. Very few of us are mavericks, which are the nonconformists. These are the free spirited souls. Preconditions are a focus here in the “perspective-taking” development phase. This falls alone the theorization and unconditional ideas in regards to beliefs, thoughts, self, feelings, others, psychological states, and one’s own continuation.

To develop businesslike skills and qualities one must learn to conform to standards of skills, competence, and characters that are commonly expected in a work environment. In order to move in this direction one must advance in the development phases. Many people struggle to recognize the differences amid reality and unreality. This is because the use visualization as a form to produce fantasy-fiction thoughts, rather than non-fictional dreams. This is one of the predecessors that stand in the way of many people’s success. One must learn to visualize self while staying in the real world and accepting that the world is both good and bad.

Theorization plays into perspectives. By applying theorization rules one can understand, listen better, and perform mental and physical activities whereas that entity is consciously aware of his or her behaviors. We can use our observation skills to advance any skill we possess.
2007-2008 Timothy Watson

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Conceptual growth as it relates to self-insight

Self-Insight and Professional Conceptual Growth

Do you sell yourself short? Do you often underestimate your abilities? If you do then perhaps you could use a lesson in developing societal cognition to exert the self through professional growth. Motivational and emotional development keys into develop social skills. Many people struggle with interpersonal relationships because of the difficulties that occur, and often the causes are due to lack of communication. This is a professional skill one must develop in order to function on a multi-scale.

When one develops an understanding of self, as well as for others and works toward social development, often their feelings will change. This is all part of social cognition improvement. We can center on self-concept to decide what skills you need to build. Self-concept is the way one perceives his or her personality. It is also how someone else sees your personality. This step is the first task that you must use to work toward developing social cognitive skills. When you acquire a good sense of the self, and become aware of your distinctive traits and physiological qualities, as well as your mental processes, you are at a great stand in social development.

Innately, many people believe that have already established the way that they see themselves. This is not true. This is part of a development process that requires, practice, skills, and plenty of training. We must recognize that our feelings and thoughts belong to the self. From the onset of our birth, we start to formulate roundabout methods so that we can learn the steps through self-concept. After the first few years, we develop dependable processes in order to measure out level of development. Each one of us sees ourselves differently than others see us. By the time, we reach two-years of age we often compare the self to the way we become visible to the way; one should appear. This is the start of visual conceptions. After this, stage one move to examine the inner self.

The visual steps of building concepts take one though a categorization phase. At this time, the person starts to see the self on multifaceted dimensions. Children are highly keen during this phase. At all age groups past 2-years we have the ability to note discrepancy and consistencies in our behavior or attitude. By noting these changes, we often determine if we are extroverted or introverted. The underdeveloped souls in the world often find it difficult to use other than generalization in regards to their thoughts or feelings. The immature might say, “I hate this quality about me.” The quality may be having the ability, such as multi-skill. This is a weakness and strength because this quality enables one to handle a wider range of tasks while using the left and right side of the brain. If this person was skilled at seeing the bigger picture, he might say, “I have a weakness and strength in my multi-tasking abilities, yet I can integrate these traits to create a unique way of managing tasks.” This is a new version that does not oversimplify the individual.

The main thing here is to build professional qualities that enable you to look at the entire picture, rather than parts. At the age of eight, a youngin' often sees the self by tapping into the self-insight or internal being. Characteristics of our psychological makeup one’s audible, which controls all aspects of one’s cognition. In short, the person becomes aware of his or her dislikes and likes. Throughout the phase of growth, the person begins to think for his self and feel. We now can consider the way we view others.
2007-2008 Timothy Watson